Henrys Jazz Alu Diabolo. 105mm 225g Orange
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Henrys Jazz Alu Diabolo. 105mm 225g Orange
The Henrys Jazz diabolo is a medium sized model made with exceptional components and attention to detail. Henrys take pride in crafting balanced, performance products with consideration paid to each element. The Rubber cups have been crafted with a special polymer making it soft enough to bounce and not do any harm, but firm enough to keep it's shape and not be crushed in a kit box. The balance and stability is exceptional - the Jazz is without a doubt one of the sturdiest, reliable diabolos on the market with it's understated colours making it appeal to pretty much everyone. The Jazz diabolo is compatible with all Jazz tuning kits, including the Jazz Free-Hub system. This version of the diabolo includes aluminium hub and roller system - the original design and still favoured by many traditional circuses.
Sticks are not included - see the Diabolo / Hand sticks category to select your handsticks